Each of the policies of Quebec Iron Ore is developed with specific objectives in mind.
They include, to:
Provide a safe and inclusive working environment, avoid social inequities and respect human rights;
Respect and follow our corporate values in all of our actions;
Protect the environment and biodiversity.
OHS is everyone’s business.
Since our employees are our most precious resource, it is essential for us to set an example of continuous improvement in terms of health and safety.
To meet this objective, we base our practices on the 4 essential pillars.
We work in an industry that trades in raw material of superior quality and purity.
It is therefore our nature to protect the environment in which we operate and continue seeking innovative solutions in order to keep improving our practices.
To preserve our most precious resource, we need to take care of it.
Quebec Iron Ore wishes to offer all of its employees a healthy and respectful work environment.
This is why we have implemented a policy aimed at eliminating any form of harassment and discrimination at work. The policy includes definitions, clear examples and a simple procedure to follow to signal any inappropriate behaviour, speech or gestures toward or by individuals.
The company wishes to diligently assume its responsibilities with regard to environmental, societal and ethical issues as part of its procurement process.
Through its policy, Quebec Iron Ore seeks to obtain the best value for money from the goods and services it procures while stimulating the economy of local communities and Indigenous groups.
Members of Aboriginal groups, host communities, employees, suppliers and partners…All of these groups of people have rights, and respect for these rights is fundamental to how Quebec Iron Ore conducts its business.
This policy is based on guiding principles, charters and agreements developed by international organizations to ensure that the integrity of individuals is respected in all places and at all times.
One of our main priorities at Quebec Iron Ore has always been to invest in the sustainable development of our communities, by reducing the environmental footprint of our activities but also by encouraging local suppliers and organizations and supporting initiatives we care about.
To maximize the positive impact of our donations and sponsorships, we have adopted a policy with guidelines designed to ensure our various investments in the community have a genuine impact.
Through this policy, Quebec Iron Ore intends to continue to contribute significantly to the prosperity of our host communities.